climbing Mountain Uluguru

Hey guys, so when I was done with High school back in 2012 , I was invited for a double date. It included mountain climbing and was getaway experience for the first time… sounds romantic right? wrong! Have you ever walked so much all day that your feet can’t keep going anymore? You know theContinueContinue reading “climbing Mountain Uluguru”

1st dec

Today we show support to the victims and look for solutions for a HIV free world, “At what age do you tell your kids about this disease?” was a topic in one of today’s radio shows when do you think its suitable?? Unfortunately Iv been around  people who had this ugly disease, I didn’t knowContinueContinue reading “1st dec”

what I didn’t know about Ebola

Cure needed fast Hey guys, I read this sad article about a girl in Nigeria.Her mum died at home with Ebola and no one helped her out. No one would get close to her at all…,  just put yourself in her place what she is feeling and going through all alone? The reason for thisContinueContinue reading “what I didn’t know about Ebola”