
Hello everyone my new favorite series by our very own Tanzania Amby, Its called Kitendawili. It is in Swahili yes… The Swahili word Kitendawili means riddle in English. Its short and can be streamed through your cell phones, its quality is great compared to the other TV productions I’ve seen done in my country. SubscribeContinueContinue reading “Kitendawili”

Stolen Blog Post…

zen habits: Hold Your Own Feet to the Fire Hold Your Own Feet to the FirePosted: 13 May 2015 11:05 AM PDT By Leo Babauta Lots of us want to change our habits — get healthier, procrastinate less, write a book, save some money, get fit, read more, get good at something. And when itContinueContinue reading “Stolen Blog Post…”

Questions that will free you

by Nikola   First of all, what does freeing your mind mean to you? After answering that questions you can conclude many things. Is it freeing yourself from the material, or something scraping your soul from your past? Free state of mind is crucial in the world today, Although there are many self-helping therapies toContinueContinue reading “Questions that will free you”


Hey everyone,  Realizing you are changing and accepting things is better than fighting them,  its peaceful. Trying to force the inevitable to change is a waste of unnecessary energy. Maybe its growing up  or simply acceptance, learning to be in complete happiness is amazing! I  love the state am in, its the best i’v ever been in. I knowContinueContinue reading “Acceptance”

Amazing careers!

Its amazing how doing what you love can enlighten and make this world a much better place for you and others… This is Inspiration for you ….. just check out this clip from Ellen’s talk show about this young man who started blogging after he lost his job, Am amazed at how he turned a veryContinueContinue reading “Amazing careers!”

kwinoja Random inspiration

“Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it.” ~ Akan proverb watch what you say…. speak softly, since we all know… he-he i like this one maybe because i get it, the mosquito can annoy … The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but theirContinueContinue reading “kwinoja Random inspiration”

Miss Earth 2014

Miss Earth 2014, will be the 14th edition of the Miss Earth Pageant to be held on November 29, 2014 at the University of the Philippines Theater in Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. The pageant´s theme this year is promoting ecotourism which aims to raise awareness to the tourists and travelers regarding ecological conservation in orderContinueContinue reading “Miss Earth 2014”

Journey of Miss World Tanzania in pictures

Happiness is currently taking a gap year from her studies to become a Chartered Accountant. She hopes to specialize in financial management and establish an accountancy firm in Tanzania. Her other ambitions are to visit at least one country in North America, South America and mainland Europe, and to own a house in her hometown.ContinueContinue reading “Journey of Miss World Tanzania in pictures”