Let’s meet on Social Media

Hey guys, I know its been a while, I haven’t talked to you here… I have missed sharing my thoughts with you as well. Our country blogging laws have changed and there are some costs placed to post on blogs and some things aren’t stable yet and I don’t want to cause any unnecessary issues by postingContinueContinue reading “Let’s meet on Social Media”

Do you know the new Global goals?

Hey guys I got some great productive news. On September 25th 2015, 193 world leaders will commit to 17 Global Goals to do 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years. 2015 presents a historic and unprecedented opportunity to bring the countries and citizens of the world together to decide and embark on new paths to improveContinueContinue reading “Do you know the new Global goals?”

World Humanitarian Day

Hello kwinoja fans, today we celebrate humanity… “In a world that is ever more digitally connected, each of us has the power and responsibility to inspire our fellow human beings to act to help others and create a more humane world.” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 2015 Theme: Inspiring the World’s Humanity World Humanitarian Day is aContinueContinue reading “World Humanitarian Day”

Rap music on the best levels

Here is my new favourate music video , by miss Angel Haze – battle cry.Yes she raps and its sounds great! Most people dont like Rap simply because of the language, Angel Haze proves everyone wrong , music is music its all in what you are trying to prove and portray to the world. Only 23 yearsContinueContinue reading “Rap music on the best levels”

Meet Lizzie

They Said She Is ‘World’s Ugliest Woman’. What She Did Made Her WORLDWIDE Inspiration! “The doctors said they never seen a child like that. They didn’t know what was going on with her.” Lizzie Velasquez has a Marfan Syndrome, genetic disorder affecting the body tissue which plays an important role in helping the body grow and developContinueContinue reading “Meet Lizzie”

Quotes I like Today

 Greetings, guys… the first quote I like and agree with the most ha ha, the night lights can be so beautiful though dont you agree?!… I enjoy the soothing quotations, they show me I am not alone in the struggle of life. Everyone in the world gets affected daily ! Only through positive acceptance IContinueContinue reading “Quotes I like Today”

Religion and love

Hello guys I miss talking my mind in here, today im going to discuss  about Religion and love, Is it the same thing? Food for thought, Is religion love or Is love religion?  Christians believe that God is the source and essence of eternal love, “Whoever does not love does not know God, because GodContinueContinue reading “Religion and love”

Stolen Blog Post…

zen habits: Hold Your Own Feet to the Fire Hold Your Own Feet to the FirePosted: 13 May 2015 11:05 AM PDT By Leo Babauta Lots of us want to change our habits — get healthier, procrastinate less, write a book, save some money, get fit, read more, get good at something. And when itContinueContinue reading “Stolen Blog Post…”