Fresh Start

hello guys, So when you start a new class or school, get into a new relationship, get a new job, move into a new house or city  how do you feel? yes I know its scary… uncomfortable even unsettling (my tummy gets weird sensations and am not even sick!) because you don’t know what toContinueContinue reading “Fresh Start”

Body language

I’ve been curious about how some people can read people, their thoughts and describe others simply by looking at their position and structure and be right! Do you always wonder if someone is telling the  truth or giving you a white lie? I’m very curious sometimes I think its wrong.. lol anyway! so through bodyContinueContinue reading “Body language”

Give Thanks

Hey guys, When was the last time you just thanked the closest person in your life? Your Dad or Mum or siblings. Thank them for just showing you life and love.Thank them for being there and always supporting you. Thank your Boss, people who challenge you well thank them, they help you grow… who elseContinueContinue reading “Give Thanks”

Things to do in Dar with your date

There are very few things to do for fun in my city, it’s either visit the beach, a bar or restaurant (food related and fast food joints) or the movies. Since we are in the coast we go swimming sometimes and can do those beach sports like visiting islands,  snorkeling and scuba diving etc. I’mContinueContinue reading “Things to do in Dar with your date”

3 years of change..

Hey … I haven’t written in a while , I’ve been busy, 2 jobs, got caught up, uninspired ,a little stressed with life to say the least but writing soothes me so I’ve decided to get back at it. Hope you missed me as much as I missed you… 😉 So its been 3 yearsContinueContinue reading “3 years of change..”

Tuesday wisdom

hey guys, here are a few quotes that inspired me… This made me laugh because it’s so true, haha we love our mobile phones a bit too much it can be unhealthy!! Instead try looking at nature, Take it all in relax and enjoy your livelihood and try to make a difference everyday! the beautifulContinueContinue reading “Tuesday wisdom”

Questions that will free you

by Nikola   First of all, what does freeing your mind mean to you? After answering that questions you can conclude many things. Is it freeing yourself from the material, or something scraping your soul from your past? Free state of mind is crucial in the world today, Although there are many self-helping therapies toContinueContinue reading “Questions that will free you”

Tips to A fresh Start

AMAZING TIPS, Know your inner self.   This means knowing who you are and what you represent. Be clear of your personal identity….. accept yourself, try to be true to yourself! Discover your life purpose. Its never really too late to start over anew and your attitude and persistence is the root to all decisionsContinueContinue reading “Tips to A fresh Start”

Quotes to soothe

“There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.” – Paulo Coelho “We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that youContinueContinue reading “Quotes to soothe”

World Soil Day 2014

Some important days like this are neglected I don’t know why…. I believe knowledge put together for a certain cause will bring forth positive and great outcomes. For instance  if everybody participated in teaching their  societies about importance of soil on the National day celebrated , it will become main topic of the world andContinueContinue reading “World Soil Day 2014”