Tuesday wisdom

hey guys, here are a few quotes that inspired me… This made me laugh because it’s so true, haha we love our mobile phones a bit too much it can be unhealthy!! Instead try looking at nature, Take it all in relax and enjoy your livelihood and try to make a difference everyday! the beautifulContinueContinue reading “Tuesday wisdom”


Hey guys, I know I’ve been MIA, but I missed you, here is some motivational tips for your day, hope it makes you smile, have a great week! Don’t rush Don’t stop thinking So, the best thing would be to always think properly. Don’t pause the questioning technique, for every proper question resolved by correctContinueContinue reading “TIPS NOT TO MISS”

believe in yourself

The images speak volumes, they portray clear and free advise.These are a few I liked this week. There are so many of these nowadays and they are quite simple to make and im actually thinking of creating my own and posting them. It’s a fun way to get info to people plus its so colorfulContinueContinue reading “believe in yourself”