Tuesday wisdom

hey guys, here are a few quotes that inspired me… This made me laugh because it’s so true, haha we love our mobile phones a bit too much it can be unhealthy!! Instead try looking at nature, Take it all in relax and enjoy your livelihood and try to make a difference everyday! the beautifulContinueContinue reading “Tuesday wisdom”

Rap music on the best levels

Here is my new favourate music video , by miss Angel Haze – battle cry.Yes she raps and its sounds great! Most people dont like Rap simply because of the language, Angel Haze proves everyone wrong , music is music its all in what you are trying to prove and portray to the world. Only 23 yearsContinueContinue reading “Rap music on the best levels”


My Favorite month in the year is the Month of February , not only  because its the month of love…… yes you guessed right its also because  its the month I was born , I started loving the  colour purple even before  I found out that purple stone is one of the symbols that represent my month, plusContinueContinue reading “February”

How Christmas is in Tanzania..

Christmas is the day I love the most, yes even more than my birthday simply because everyone in the world is celebrating and its all about love and family for most. The weather in my country now is extremely hot!!we never have a white Christmas it always super humid and sweat is our middle nameContinueContinue reading “How Christmas is in Tanzania..”

Taylor Swift – Blank Space video is funny…

This video reminds me so much of the artist pink, lol Its so hilarious bet she could be an actress if she wanted so clean and classy plus the ,art in the music is fun. i love ,like and agree, If you enjoyed tag a friend 🙂 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-ORhEE9VVg